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Band Bio

Smoking November is a progressive rock band located in Western North Carolina. Originally named Odd Docket, all three members originally began playing together in the late 1990's, but disbanded when one of the members left for the United States Navy. As fate would have it, recently Bub, Fluff, and Brandon all have found themselves once again in the same city. We decided to form a new band, Smoking November. And the rest, as the bard would say, is history....

Brandon Bio

Brandon is a completely self taught guitarist. He spends most of his free time geeking out on computers, exploring new places with his family (a beautiful wife and 3 beautiful children), and jamming out with Smoking November.

Bub Bio

Bub is a self taught drummer, playing since 7 years of age. He plays every type of music. He has one son, and likes to help his lead man with the backup vocals. He loves spending time outdoors, swimming, hiking, and anything else he encounters along the way. Forever a thrill seeker, he looks for adventure wherever he may find it. Always ready to play at the drop of a hat, he loves jamming with Smoking November any opportunity he gets.